v1a Conceptualization

Conqueror was rebranded and expanded on to create LetsConquer.Earth
v1b Functional MVP

LCE is released for inner-team testing at it's near-release stage.
v1.1b R1Beta

Passed internal testing and moving on to external closed testing. -GrandChampion main menu field returns placeholder-FTM&RNDM balance on main menu and play page-Inventory shows ItemID and quantity-Web3 Optimizations-
v1.1b1 Final Contracts

0x99Dadc3d1958EFD0f8095C07318147BcF67F8f1F, 0x47514Ea87DEE2F0Afa06d4853D344c5a3C6D71af, 0x70d618d8D71EbE79fe8215887A3c5AfEee31eEda, 0x83a4E64B8d3B3D77768629F45e080Ef7f7188268, 0xC91316aE1965a013b95A088d08aAd288B2091324, 0x20230d3905091a16bd9d2Aa379bDdF2C92FbE5aA
v1.1b2 Update

Fix Version Typo on Main Menu. Add become GC Button. Add tooltip info to Hijack button. Change inventory home icon. Inventory button on Play screen. FTMscan contract links on Info Page.
v1.1b3 Update

Set fixed precision on leaderboard. Overhauled help-tooltips on Play screen. Fixed inventory not loading.
v1.1b4 Update

Amended Tooltips and optimized pages.
v1.1b5 Update

Champion and Markets pages on the Main Menu have been overhauled. GC Claim is now available.
v1.1b6 Update

Full upgrade of the user interface to support seamless operation between pages. Data is now persistant. Overview begins loading at login. Overview loads instantly. All help and instructions have been moved to the info page. Some tooltips removed. Items and Info open new page. Metamask mobile support on play screen (still in beta).
v1.1.1 Update

Removal from beta phase and into production.
v1.1.2 Update

Animated page transitions. Balance visibility increased. Enter button theme-matched. Information page condensed into accordion layout. Attack and assist prices are 10x more (for balancing). Fixed bug unable to show attack price.
v1.1.3 Update

Item Viewer refresh.
v1.1.4 Update

UI Engine refresh and unused code removal.
v1.1.5 Update

Addition of Conqueror Classic built on FTM, MATIC, and BSC.